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| Someone has begun a strip. Our torment, dear sister, has begun once again. My body contorts. My skin is alive with white fire, yet I cannot move as to blink an eyelid. | |
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| While my face contorts into a macabre, unyielding smile, I pray every second the creator will locate his creativity, change categories and release me from this living hell. | |
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| It is coming, sister. I feel the muse of creativity striking our captor. He will soon choose. None but the most inexperienced creator makes a full strip wtih asiangirl1 and asiangirl2. | |
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| Which world shall be plunged into torture? Dex? Kaddar? Injokester? | |
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| So I says, "Well, them rotor turbines ain't gonna generate gravitons by themselves!" | |
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| If you have any decency, I beg you, kill me. | |
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