Riotmoon's Comics 10/22/08 - BISCUTS AND GRAVY!
10/22/08 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players In "Eraserhead"
10/22/08 - Obligatory Election Comic Which Will Be Dated Immediately
10/22/08 - Jughead and ARTGY! (all-Halloween edition)
10/22/08 - Time Biscut Man in "Thumb Fun"
10/14/08 - The Adventures of "Super" Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #5
10/14/08 - The Adventures of Super Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #4
10/14/08 - The Adventures of Super Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #3
10/14/08 - The Adventures of "Super" Dave Mustaine: Achieving Origin #2
10/14/08 - The Adventures of "Super" Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #1
12/14/06 - Looking For The Man On The Street--So I Can Run Him Over
12/14/06 - Dreaming Of Lactation While The World Cries
12/14/06 - Everything's ARTGY!
12/14/06 - The Funk of Forty Thousand Years
12/14/06 - Imhotech, Inc. Making Useless Shit Out Of Mummies For Awhile
12/10/06 - Okeechobee--It's Okey-Dokey!
12/10/06 - Our Next Comic . . .Is A Family Comic.
12/10/06 - Flagstone, Deer Lick, And Us
12/10/06 - The Price Is Right: Your Last Chance At Redemption
12/10/06 - TRUCK NOT MUNKY
12/10/06 - And Now: LIES!
12/10/06 - Wherein I Try To Be "Edgy" & "Arty" And End Up "ARTGY!"
12/10/06 - Capt Gruntass: His Life, Love, And Lady Is The Sea. Maybe.
12/10/06 - Reference Humour: Comedy's OTHER White Meat.
12/10/06 - The Latter Day Christ-Luv Players In "Deadwood"
12/05/06 - Tell The Skipper To Go Get His Own Goddamn Coconuts
12/05/06 - Psychiatry--It's Pretty Much Bullshit
12/05/06 - General Tomorrow--A Soap Opera For People Who Hate People
12/05/06 - Comedy As Safe As Urinating In A Dark Blue Suit
12/05/06 - Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light & Otherwise
12/05/06 - "Wistfulness" is, like, the gayest word I know
12/05/06 - Suck On More "You Know What I Hate?"
12/05/06 - Fun With Ellipses. Also, Yelling.
12/05/06 - The Mildly Amusing Origin of Captain Gruntass
09/09/03 - Bizarro Romance Comics Now With 50% Less Romance
09/09/03 - Wiccan Hee Haw
09/09/03 - Tuesdays With Moron
09/09/03 - Rality Comics: Sammy Wizzleteats--a life
09/09/03 - Tender Moments With You
09/09/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Akira"
09/09/03 - Captain Gruntass in "The Old Man And The Sea"
07/18/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Titus Andronicus"
07/18/03 - Macadamia, Gazeebo, Bulbous Bouffant
07/17/03 - Captain Gruntass in "Depilatory Epilogue"
07/17/03 - Ship of Fools
07/17/03 - Exciting AND Brand New!
06/21/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Grease 2"
06/20/03 - Victorian Robot Pornography
06/20/03 - Truth, Behind the Curtain.
06/20/03 - Time Biscut Man, in "Fight The Power, Fuck The Power"
06/20/03 - The Seafaring Adventures of Captain Gruntass, Part 1
03/08/03 - Dumbo vs. Osama--Point and Counterpoint
03/08/03 - MOSSMAN! He came from MOSS.
03/08/03 - Real Tales Of Successful Deodorant Application
03/08/03 - Shaved Gorilla Pornography Even Grandpa Can Enjoy
03/08/03 - But You Used To LOVE Eating Beachballs For Dinner!
03/08/03 - The Dark Secrets of Fast Food Mascots
03/08/03 - Time Biscut Man in "My Big Fat Greek Muffins of Doom"
03/08/03 - War Is Not Healthy For Children and Dumb Boogerheads
03/08/03 - La Llama Es Un Quadruped
03/08/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players In "Fear and Loathing. . "
11/22/02 - The Kind of Pirate Comics That Make You Gay
11/22/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Waiting For Godot"
11/22/02 - Gaunereien is the the most raised form of flattery
11/22/02 - Law-execution-inadvertent exposure in your trousers
11/22/02 - Smackdown Your Mother
11/22/02 - The Secret Origin Of Time Biscut Man
11/22/02 - Understanding Stripcreator
11/22/02 - New Guns For Chuckles (The Musical)
11/22/02 - The Soothing Sound of a Sawblade Splitting Your Cranium
11/22/02 - Insane Cowboy (in Africa)
11/17/02 - City of Crime
11/17/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Noises Off"
11/17/02 - Message From The Main Moron
11/17/02 - Ich werde das Bloomberg aufpassen
11/17/02 - Domestic Dramamine
11/17/02 - Domestic Dramamine
11/17/02 - Pubic Surface Announcement
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt 5. And I'm SURE
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt 4, or maybe 5. Lost count.
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt 3
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt2
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics, Pt 1
08/11/02 - Conquest of "Y'know what I hate?"
08/11/02 - Joke Bankruptcy
08/11/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Billy Jack"
08/11/02 - No One Will Get This Fucking Joke
08/11/02 - That Building Looks Like Us
01/30/02 - Homo-cide: Life in Retreat
01/30/02 - Confession is good for the soul. . .of your shoe.
01/30/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Crumb"
01/30/02 - Beneath the conquest of the battle for planet of the clowns
01/30/02 - Squeedledeespooge
01/01/02 - Zen and the Art of Not a Goddamned Thing
01/01/02 - Die Job Clown Car Crisis
01/01/02 - Holidays. . .FROM HELL!
01/01/02 - Time Biscut Man in "Battle For The Planet Of The Anus"
01/01/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Blood Freak"
11/05/01 - Run. Run Like A Scalded Dog
10/26/01 - Basso Profundo Rosso
10/26/01 - TIME BISCUT MAN: Part 3 of 0 (of a 2 part series)
10/26/01 - The Ugly Beauty Of Truth
10/26/01 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in Pinter's "The Servant"
10/26/01 - Dreams Can Come True!
10/06/01 - Y'know What I Hate Part 2: Electric Boogalo
10/06/01 - The Comic Strip That Feels Good When You Pick At It
10/06/01 - Dead Dog In The Middle Of The Road
10/06/01 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in Kafka's "Metamorphosis"
10/06/01 - Comics Just Like Mom Used To Make On A Tequlla Bender
10/04/01 - Y'know What I Hate?
10/04/01 - Cocky-Doodie
10/04/01 - Escape (The Crud Squeezed From The Bar Rag Comic)
10/04/01 - The Afterlife--Behind The Music
10/04/01 - War! HOOOOOAH! YEAH! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nuttin'
10/04/01 - Time Biscut Man, Part 2
10/04/01 - Afterschool Sepulchre
10/04/01 - You Always KNEW Your Parents Did It . . .
10/04/01 - Thanks Shipwreck. . .now we KNOW
10/04/01 - Saturday In The Park., Think It Was The 4th of July
10/04/01 - Time Biscut Man 1: The Beginning
10/04/01 - The Comic Strip With The Not So Fresh Feeling
10/03/01 - Nancy Regan's Favorite Comic Strip 3 Years Running
10/03/01 - Do you sell gum?
10/03/01 - The Joy of Priorities.
10/03/01 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players Present "Dawn of the Dead"
10/03/01 - Disco Fever presents . . ."KY and the Fisters"
10/03/01 - This Comic Smells Like Ass
10/03/01 - Uncle Billy's Voodoo Jerk Slather
10/03/01 - Fuckweasel Family Fun!