Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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As you might have noticed, not a lot of planning goes into these.
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by Riotmoon
On the coast of Fistfuck, NC (which has a coast because say so) the good ship Syphilitic Lady under the command of Captain Gruntass has come on a mission of love.
ARRR! First Matey McBreasts, how goes this here pleasurin' cruise?
About as you'd expect on a ship full of itchy prostitutes and sexual deviants sir. Oddly mellow with an musty undercurrent of danger. I don't hold out much hope for our success . . .
We WILL be succeedin in our mission of love! I feel it in me nut!
. . .I think that's the crabs, sir.
But NO! Even now on the forward decks, a love connection that could only happen on a crazy summer night on a floating whorehouse is taking place . . .
. . .so that's the secret? Cornholing and gingerbread men?
RRARRR! No! Gingerbread men, THEN cornholing!
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