In the spirit of broadening my hirzons I present the follow gritty verite comic about one mans life designed to make you realise how stupid comics about real life are.
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| Designation: SAMMY WIZZLETEATS, SON, you are to go to school and make father proud, please try not to shit yourself today. BREEP! | |
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Samy's life as uneventful, as one would expect the life of a cross-eyed nitwit to be. First, he became the only altar boy never to be molested by a Catholic priest.
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| C'mon! Nothing? Not even as ass-tickle? | |
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Sammy, buffeted along by the cruel hand of fate to the end of his days eventually married a pink donkey he hallucinated after sniffing glue. They expect their second child in April.
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| I can feel his sucking getting stronger and stronger! | |
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| Will you STOP giving that roll of baloney all our MILK?!? You bought him at Hickory Farms for fuck's sake! | |
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