With the twin skills of being able to play guitar and yell his head off, Dave was ready to search of people with like minds to yell and play guitar with. Enter: METALLICA!
hI! i SaW yOuR aD iN tHe PaPeR! i SiNg AnD pLaY gUiTaR!
That's great, but really, we all sing and play guitar. You got any other skills?
DoEs TaKiNg 1/4 oF tHe GoLdEn CrEsCeNt'S aNnUaL hErOiN oUtPuT aNd DrInKiNg LiKe A fIsH cOuNt?
Wel, it *shouldn't,* especially since no one else in the band does drugs or drinks. Still, what's one iveterate alcoholic more or less. You're IN!