Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Rocketlex2000 has not entered a profile.
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Background Check
Where the hell are we?
This is the new background for smfKhakain.
Every time we move to a new board, I change the "default" background for Board City to something new.
Hey! Don't be afraid of change!
I don't think that's the problem here.
Rocketlex2000's Comics
01/24/09 - G&TSC: A New Hope
12/07/07 - G&TSC: Opportunity
12/05/07 - G&TSC: A Burning Question
12/04/07 - G&TSC: Good Listener
12/03/07 - G&TSC: Sensing a Pattern
12/03/07 - G&TSC 2: Holiday Spirit
12/03/07 - Gildroin and Terridex...Save Christmas? Intro
09/14/07 - Lauren Peace
09/02/07 - Love Hurts
06/14/07 - In Plain Sight
06/12/07 - G4 is exactly like that...
12/19/06 - First-Party Support
12/08/06 - And Metroid Prime Should Be More Like Halo
11/19/06 - Post-Midnight Snack
11/18/06 - Everyone Needs a Hobby
11/18/06 - Infestation
07/21/06 - The Hard Sell
06/15/06 - Slice of Life
05/18/06 - More True Stories...
05/08/06 - Racist Jokes
04/02/06 - Background Check 3: A Link to the Past
04/02/06 - Background Check 2: The Search
04/02/06 - Background Check
03/29/06 - Informed Attributes
02/09/06 - OOC
02/09/06 - I Get This All The Friggin' Time!
02/09/06 - Beings of Unfathomable Power DO Look Like That, You Know...
12/06/05 - Well, I Try...
11/27/05 - Hello, I Think You All Need Money
11/12/05 - "Snakes on a Plane" trailer
10/04/05 - L1|\|U><
10/01/05 - Retraction
09/30/05 - PSA: Winners Don't Use HTML
09/28/05 - The Three Stages of Nintendo Revolution Hype
09/14/05 - Maybe a little...
07/18/05 - Painful to Behold
05/18/05 - E3 2005: The Epic Continues...
05/16/05 - E3 2005: There Are Limits...
05/16/05 - E3 2005: Circular Logic
05/08/05 - The Waiting 2: I <3 SUPERFUN ++
05/08/05 - The Waiting
04/23/05 - Vice City
04/21/05 - GMNB11: The...well...finale
03/26/05 - GMNB10: Shifted Focus
03/18/05 - GMNB9: Actionlessness!
03/18/05 - GMNB8: Philosophy and Violence
03/18/05 - We Interrupt This Program...
03/17/05 - GMNB7: Plan B (from Outer Space)
03/11/05 - GMNB6: Conference Call
03/11/05 - GMNB5: Moral Crossroads
03/09/05 - GMNB4: The Backstory Continues
03/09/05 - GMNB3: Not Worth It
03/09/05 - GMNB2: ...or maybe
03/08/05 - Gimmie My Name Back: It Begins
03/06/05 - "Board X-ity" Preview
01/18/05 - ...Best Served Cold
12/04/04 - The Wacky Neighbor
11/20/04 - Nothing against the band...
10/23/04 - Kickass Thinking Rig!
10/21/04 - Musical Talent
10/17/04 - Actual Conversation
09/21/04 - Progress Report
09/01/04 - Dumbass Ex Machina
08/18/04 - Not counting Futurama...
08/11/04 - USC Memories: Smash TV
06/26/04 - Tellin' It Like It Is....
06/16/04 - Board City: The Movie
06/08/04 - The Boy Who Cried Lawsuit
06/07/04 - I'll Be Good
06/06/04 - Good Economic Nonsense
05/26/04 - I'm looking at you, Michael Moore!
05/22/04 - E3 2004: Goodbye from E3
05/17/04 - E3 2004: The Square Deal
05/17/04 - E3 2004: OMG PSP LOL
05/16/04 - E3 2004: Give the People What They Want
05/14/04 - E3 2004: The Creative Process
04/29/04 - Domestic "Violence"
04/14/04 - Better than Live!
04/06/04 - Let's Talk!! Action Forum Khakain!
03/30/04 - Paid for by the RIAA
03/11/04 - Last Time on The Board....
03/08/04 - The Truth Comes Out
03/04/04 - Anybody Out There?
03/03/04 - Genesis (Not the Sega System)
02/29/04 - It sounds worse than it is...
02/26/04 - Where the Past Dumbs Alive
02/25/04 - The Following is a Paid Commercial Message....Thing
02/14/04 - They're Completely Different
02/08/04 - Too Sexy For My Shirt...or Pants...
02/04/04 - The man has a point...
02/03/04 - Fill-in the Blanks
02/02/04 - Non-violent Resistance
02/02/04 - Board-O-Vision 2: I may be getting carried away, here...
02/02/04 - Board-O-Vision
01/31/04 - A Cruel Fate
01/31/04 - The New World
01/20/04 - Robot of the Apes
01/15/04 - Metaphysical Mario (Special Guest: Maverick)
12/24/03 - Based on a True Idiot
12/07/03 - How Board Members Will Meet Their End...
11/17/03 - Coming Soon to a Theater Near You...
11/16/03 - I'm sure this will happen...
11/02/03 - Halloween 2003: It's like a seance, only dumber
10/27/03 - Compassion
10/25/03 - Back to Basics...
10/25/03 - Clan Ultra: I Personally Don't Mind
10/25/03 - Clan Ultra: (I Made Up These Names)
10/25/03 - Clan Ultra: Law and Order
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: (That's not really Bugs)
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: The "Kupo" is Honorary
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: The Better Part of Valor
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: Way of the Bell
10/19/03 - Clan Ultra: A Simple Mission
10/18/03 - I couldn't find any sad anime girl sprites...
10/16/03 - I Lead A Double Life
10/11/03 - The Screaming Skull
10/08/03 - I Have My Limits
10/05/03 - Unbiased
10/02/03 - Worlds 17: They're Out There
10/02/03 - Worlds 16: The Ultimate Move
10/02/03 - Worlds 15: Enter the Insect
10/02/03 - Worlds 14: There is no Worlds 13
10/02/03 - Worlds 12: HENSHIN!
10/02/03 - Worlds 11: I Make Spacesuits Look Good
10/02/03 - Worlds 10: Spam, it's not just for Khakain anymore
10/02/03 - Worlds 9: Japanese Cultural Thing
10/02/03 - Worlds 8: The thinking is coming from WITHIN the rocket...
10/01/03 - Worlds 7: Justification
10/01/03 - Worlds 6: Guess Who's Back!
10/01/03 - Worlds 5: Aliens 1, Board 0
10/01/03 - Worlds 4: I Just Can't Spell the Title
10/01/03 - Worlds 4: Team-building
10/01/03 - Worlds 3: Getting Attention
10/01/03 - Worlds 2: Aliens Just Wanna Have Fun
09/30/03 - Board of the Worlds
09/27/03 - 0wned: Jesus-style
05/24/03 - Enter the...KABOOOOOM!!!
05/06/03 - With great power comes know.
04/29/03 - Slightly More Unreasonable Doubt
04/28/03 - Reasonable Doubt
04/17/03 - Exciting News
04/09/03 - Pika Pika!
04/02/03 - Welcome to "Nitpick Central"
03/25/03 - It's...complicated...
03/19/03 - Tenchi?
03/13/03 - It worked in my head...
03/07/03 - Dream a Little Dream...
03/06/03 - Enemy at the Inbox
02/27/03 - Cattle Call
02/24/03 - A psudo-political cartoon...
02/21/03 - Be afraid. Be VERY afraid...
02/21/03 - Litigation Mitigation
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 8: ...and a major ego trip to finish things off
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 7: The Final Blow
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 6: A Hero Stands
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 5: The Belly of the Beast...
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 4: Options
02/13/03 - Pop Ups 3: Opposing Viewpoints
02/13/03 - Pop Ups 2: Spam Advanced
02/13/03 - When pop-ups attack...
02/08/03 - If you get this refference, good for you...
02/04/03 - And what truly is gained?
02/04/03 - ...and an even easier target.
02/03/03 - An easy target, but I'm not proud...
02/02/03 - The most dangerous game...
02/02/03 - So horrible...yet so absurd.
02/02/03 - Someone call Crayola!
02/02/03 - ...and in with the new.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: The End....or is it? Yes, it is.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: The End....or is it? Yes, it is.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: The battle is won...
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Can you tell I'm a bit tired of these?
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Things get a bit odd...
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: CONFRONTATION!
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Inside the castle
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: An apology about the last episode
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Clippy stands guard.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A ghostly message
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A Revelation
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A friend in need
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A plan of escape...
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Joanna's Story
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Another World
01/09/03 - MicroSaga- Infiltration
01/09/03 - MicroSaga- Rocket on a mission
01/04/03 - Any given DBZ episode
01/04/03 - The life cycle of a thread on The Board
01/04/03 - I admit it
01/04/03 - Friends in low places...
01/04/03 - The legends were true...
01/03/03 - If The Board members were game developers...
01/03/03 - My glass is always half-full....
01/03/03 - Can YOU guess what it is?
01/03/03 - Darkness...power...schoolgirls?
01/03/03 - Video Gamer X's Day Out
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