Funky Fresh Caleb discovers the Internet...
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| Awwww, dag! Yeah, got my mom's computah! Yo, Windows 95? Dizzamn, that owns! | |
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He eventually discovers a means of "sharing" files...
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| We're the Icy Hot Stuntaz and we're here to say, our moms drop us off and we come to play! | |
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| Yo, bug out! I can download free jams off dis site, playa! Ta-a-a-a! Dayum! FFC got me some .mp3, sucka! | |
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| Your IP has been traced, Funky Fresh Caleb. The FBI will be arriving at your home shortly to charge you with Internet piracy. | |
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| Yo man, dis site is weak! I bust a cap in some fed pigs, yo! | |
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