Our tale begins in a small graveyard with a generic tree... and a building and stuff in the background... Something like that
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| Anyone seen my arm? Woe! Woe pour down upon my peeling scalp!!! | |
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Then something again came along... and he had a big mouth with sharp teeth.. so y'know I thought it would fit the scene *blankly stares*
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| I seen your arm... that is to say I saw it.. That is too say I ate it. That is to say I spat it out | |
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| Oh no!!Without my arm how am I to live and love and dance and sing!!! My life as a zombie has ended!!! | |
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Then in a random act of kindness
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| You saved my mother's life and in return here... please accept my arm as a gift | |
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| *Looks blankly*... Thanks | |
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