Newly built Gen1tf Office lounge
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| Dead Eye: This Freaking place rocks! You said it Bumblee. Playstation 3 rocks! Where's red he should be here! | |
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| Yeah the videogame lounge at the office was the best thing to happen to us. He said he'd be here. | |
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| Astrotrain: Wohoo finally a reason to post at Gen1tf! I can't wait to try out the new arcades. | |
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| IHide: I don't know about you but I'm freaking wasted man. *hiccup* Give me another ROUND! | |
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Meanwhile at the Gen1tf building food court where Royal is still serving his punishment
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| I don't know what to eat.. tacos? no.. chinese? no I had that last week... Wendys? I had the chili yesterday.. BK? no.. Decisions, decisions... | |
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| OH for the love of God will you just please PICK SOMETHING from the menu! | |
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