Ricky Martin Stumbles Upon A Large Missle
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| ....Cause I'm livin the Vi Va Loca!!!!Ewwwww...To touch or not to touch....TOUCH!! | |
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All of a sudden it blows up!!!! (yes!hehehehe)
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| Cause I'm Livin the...WHAT!!!???!!!! | |
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| Ricky Martin... You have committed numerous crimes like making people listen to your blasted song!!!Also I know what you did last night!!!! ohh yes! We're sorry but this is not the place for you! | |
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After Ricky was transferred to hell....
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| Yeah livin the Vi Va Loca!!! | |
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| Hurry up with your work!!! Satin will not be pleased......Uhh I didn't say for you to stop singing...Good no ones lookin...Can i have your autograph..... | |
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