Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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This comic will just be about... whatever.
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by Samoa_Joe
Yo, Red-man! Waz crackin', dawg? Ya kno', ah've always wondered: who built yah?
I. Was. Built. By. Nac-. Aloc. For. Years,. He. Was. My. Only. Friend.
Several years ago...
Excellent. Self-. Construction. Is. Complete. Red. Will. Now. Strike. Fear. Into. The. World.
Back ot the present...
Man, yo' be trippin'. Nac iz jus' a spirit or sumthin'. He can't build nuthin'! He has no phyzzical form, ya kno'? Are yo' lyin' to me?
I. Was. So. Lonely.
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