Look, kids! There's Butch! What's Butch going to teach us, today? It looks as though he's in a SCAAAAARY graveyard.
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| Please don't involve necrophilia... Please don't involve necrophilia. | |
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Why's Butch in a spooky graveyard, for? He's going to teach about death. Specifically... SUICIDE. Isn't that right, Butch?
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| Eh...? I didn't agree to that! | |
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| Now, kids... suicide is BAD. It's when you kill yourself, because of the fact that you've realized how worthless you are. Now, Butch isn't going to kill himself... that's why we're going to do it! | |
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One gunshot and 43 stabwounds later, Butch is now experiencing the afterlife... IN HELL. You see, when you commit suicide, that's where you go. So, kids... say "NO" to suicide! Hehe... poor Butch.
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| Jesus Christ... not the Word paperclip!? | |
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| Hey, there! Microsoft designed me to randomly pop-up and annoy the fuck out of you! MUHAHAHAHA!! | |
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