Our, erm... "heroes" receive a surprise visit...
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| Who could be coming here at this hour? No matter... send them in. | |
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| Allo. I am Shishka Baba. I am an ambassador from Afghanistan. I would like to inform you that your country is filled with swine and shall perish. | |
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| Oh well. Your country is filled with terrorists who wear diapers on their heads. We call you diaperheads 'cause you have shit for brains. Now there's someone I'd like you to meet. | |
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| Allo, Jesus. You realize you are a symbol of the one thing we hate most, yes? | |
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| I died for your sins and this is how you people repay me? By worshipping some chode named "Allah"?! Fuck you all! Go to hell!!! BURN!!! | |
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