Shane and Sean take some time out of their busy lives to enjoy a little online video gaming.
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| Dude, press X. The transporter wont go until you give it permission. | |
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| Shut up, im sorting my healing items and power items so i dont have to do it once we get to the combat zone. | |
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| Dude, back up. My guy is prepped for his limit-break attack. I can deal three times as much damage this way. | |
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| OK, let me engage in close range combat with him so when you kill him i'll get 110% of initial experience from the limit-break kill. | |
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*Later that day, once gaming has finished*
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| Man, that was f*cking awsome. You should come back over tomarrow and we could go to the Underwater Jungle. I heard you get mad experience down there. | |
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| Yeah, I would. . . .but if i play too much, my hands will cramp up and I'll have to masterbate with my feet. | |
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