Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Winner of:
Comic Competition #385
Photoshop Valley #185
Photoshop Valley #187
Finish This Comic #133
Best Chili - Washington State Fair
Random Comic Design #21
Begin This Comic #76
Finish This Comic #136

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by Shaneo39
Yo, what up Chris, you bring the money?
Ya man, right here, did you bring the stuff?
Hello, it looks like you're trying to buy a large, cuttable package of Crack. Im not familiar with this. Perhaps you wanted Heroin, or perhaps you wanted metha . . .
. . . .What?
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themushroom says:

Clippy Meets Cracky!
posted Apr 23rd, 2008 ( permalink )

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