Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Bear in mind that I have NO IDEA WHY this is so appealing. My humor might not jive with the usual crude-Jesus-cursing theme that seems to run rampant on this site. I don't care. It's fun. So, enjoy... or not! ;) Also, the numbered comics go IN ORDER. I know some of you I will show this to will not understand... don't worry. ~Em
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by SilenceGoldEm
Those DORKS from Chem Lab are following me around, again. They did this all last semester, too. I want to kill them! All they do is stare at me, ..very annoying. SOMEBODY should put a stop to it.
If a psycho followed me around I'd just zap him with my ray gun, tear his flesh from his bones, and send the remains to his family. ... The poor sucker wouldn't know what hit him!! HAHA! HAHA!
So, you can, like, ... help me, right?
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