Jack Kelly from Newsies...
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| 0/`' When I dream, on my own, I'm alone but I ain't lonely. For a dreamer night's the only time of day. When the city's finally sleepin' ... all my thoughts begin to stray | |
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| ...and I'm on the train that's bound for Santa Fe. | |
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| And I'm free, like the wind... like I'm gonna live forever. It's a feeling time can never take away.... 0/`' ... *gulp* Hey, Les. | |
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| Hey! Cowboy! We didn't know you were such a wuss. Awesome... I can take control of the other Newsboys, now.... ya scab! | |
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...guess this means no more dancing in the streets of New York City at the turn of the century. Sorry, girls.
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| Catch ya on the flip side, Cowboy. Hehehe... | |
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