Yelllow Journalism 1928, Credibility Gaps 1968 FAKE NEWS 2018... the beat goes on, and on, and on.
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| Hey man? ... what's up with the "Credibilty Gap?" | |
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| I don't believe anything I hear on Howard Stern, on my SAT Car Radio. | |
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... meanwhile in the Oval Office things get quiet and Trump 45 comes up for air to imagine other world leaders share his image problems.
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| NEWS Outlets are interested in RATINGS! | |
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| Halo Mr. President Trump. I'm using Red Phone to tell you NEWS form Old Country. You know I Vlad PUTIN, have similar problem with FAKE NEWS, but in Russia, we call it Capitalist Propaganda! | |
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Someday you'll look back on these events and wonder how and why you ever let yourself fall for this crap.
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| Mr. Trump, Blah, blah, blah, Trump said, Blah, blah, blah. The White House denied; Blah, Blah, blah and so this reporter feels, Blah, blah blah. | |
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| "I feeel so numb" "There's too much information". | |
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