Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


email : pm : info I take highly personal offence to this comic, "Cowboy Physics 2". It is an ignorant comic that preaches your misguided, ranting agenda. This comic attacks my personal convictions, and many institutions I proudly support, as all good Americans should. The issue I speak of is, obviously, the fact that Jed Clampett was not from Texas. He lived in Oregon, I believe. Also, the comic's stance against government anti-hobo policy is possibly the worst political statement you've ever made. ~Saf From NovayaRussia :: 12-17-03 02:58pm ( reply :: delete ) And that one comic I made should be titled "Cowboy Physics 3", not "Cowboy Bebop 2". I lost track, and I was watching Cowboy Bebop at the time, so I got a little fucked up. I don't feel like making an apologetic comic every time I make a typo.
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Thank you, United Nations, for giving me, Ambassador Osama Bin Laden, this free kitten to rape
UN Seceretary General Jacques Chirac: No to worry. We French, we hate Jesus.
Now that all war of every kind has been outlawed, and the American public is too busy spitting on the graves of veterans, we are free to destroy America
Yes, my one world NWO UN conspiracy, she is like a fine woman.
And we couldn't have done it without President Chelsea Clinton and Vice President Michael Moore
Yes, their decision to outlaw Christianity, patriotism, and shaving your armpits, they help our French oral sex-ocracy
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