Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


email : pm : info I take highly personal offence to this comic, "Cowboy Physics 2". It is an ignorant comic that preaches your misguided, ranting agenda. This comic attacks my personal convictions, and many institutions I proudly support, as all good Americans should. The issue I speak of is, obviously, the fact that Jed Clampett was not from Texas. He lived in Oregon, I believe. Also, the comic's stance against government anti-hobo policy is possibly the worst political statement you've ever made. ~Saf From NovayaRussia :: 12-17-03 02:58pm ( reply :: delete ) And that one comic I made should be titled "Cowboy Physics 3", not "Cowboy Bebop 2". I lost track, and I was watching Cowboy Bebop at the time, so I got a little fucked up. I don't feel like making an apologetic comic every time I make a typo.
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At the Oval Office which is for some reason outside the White House
Hey man, the negligant condition in which the weapons and armor that the United States sent to Iraq was so bad it boarders on ethically bankrupt!
Maybe Rumsfeld is a Latino, you know. I mean, these Humvees probably have mattresses tied to them. ZING!
If the Bush regime continues it's Machiavellian octopus-like stranglehold on the world in an attempt to monopolize all foreign sources of petroleum, they'll be oilier than my aunt Maria!
Hugo Chavez must be stopped!
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