Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


email : pm : info I take highly personal offence to this comic, "Cowboy Physics 2". It is an ignorant comic that preaches your misguided, ranting agenda. This comic attacks my personal convictions, and many institutions I proudly support, as all good Americans should. The issue I speak of is, obviously, the fact that Jed Clampett was not from Texas. He lived in Oregon, I believe. Also, the comic's stance against government anti-hobo policy is possibly the worst political statement you've ever made. ~Saf From NovayaRussia :: 12-17-03 02:58pm ( reply :: delete ) And that one comic I made should be titled "Cowboy Physics 3", not "Cowboy Bebop 2". I lost track, and I was watching Cowboy Bebop at the time, so I got a little fucked up. I don't feel like making an apologetic comic every time I make a typo.
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Auditions for "The Libertarian Socialist Kings of Comedy"
Noam Chomsky: A man walks into a bar and buys a bowl of pretzels. But have we considered the ethical ramifications of purchasing pretzels made out of wheat harvested in Latin America via slave labour?
Howard Zinn: No one has really looked at the geo-socio-political turmoil surrounding the poultry industry that would lead towards mass disruption of transit systems by chickens
Subcomandante Marcos: Knock Knock! Who's there? We will fight the fascist pigs in the streets! We will drive them out of our land through any means nessicary! That's who!
The Dalai Lama: Free oneself of all thoughts of revenge and one will be thrust to nirvana like a one-armed Polack trying to clap and hang on to a tree at the same time with comical results
Amy Goodman: Although the mainstream media reports that family's act is named "The Aristocrats", what they aren't telling you is that it involves scattological incest.
Dave Chappelle: So, uh, how about that Sudanese genocide?.......I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!
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