Now interested in acting, she began acting lessons.
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| Romeo! Romeo! Where for...wait! How does it go again??__________________ Oh yeah!!!! Romeo Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?? | |
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| OH!!!!! Romeo! Romeo, where for art thou romeo?!___________________ Better. | |
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As the lesson ended for that day, she had a word with the teacher.
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| Well...I don't quite think that acting is your profession, you should try...something less talkitive. | |
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As she was slightly hurt and sad, she begged for another chance.
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| But...but...i tried!!! You said if i tried i would be a successful actress!!___________________ Oh please! One more chance!__________________ Oh NO!!! Another failure... | |
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| Well, i can't ALWAYS be right!__________________ No, you disgrace the acting world, GET OUT!! Please, never come back! | |
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