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Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 18
Fuzzy Man, it's been a year & you have traveled the world. Don't you have anything to report yet?
X, I did penetrate the enemy agents.
Prostitutes are not enemy agents. Anything else?
I have discovered a secret plot by the Yanks to dominate the world's oil supply and use our beloved empire as a propaganda mouthpiece.
I hope you read that in the newspaper next to the help wanted ads!
It was on the page opposite the girl of the day photo.
Smarmulus's Comics
12/11/05 - OPC 19: he means it sincerely, with all his heart
12/11/05 - CC 306: sometimes more gets you less
12/11/05 - OPC 19: Keeping the ass in Xmas
12/08/05 - DIC: we was just following orders (history repeats itself)
12/02/05 - CC 306: Timmy's comeuppance
12/02/05 - CC 306: Isaac laughs last (dedicated to Kaufman)
12/01/05 - CC306: lending a helping handjob
11/29/05 - Comic Cup XIII: Wrestling Is My Profession
11/19/05 - CC 305: this is just an example
11/16/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 19
11/16/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 18
11/16/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 17
11/16/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 16
11/16/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 15
11/15/05 - HCRoyall meets bltsandwich
11/15/05 - CC 304: Welcome to Patel's 4
11/14/05 - CC 304: Welcome to Patel's 3
11/14/05 - CC 304: Welcome to Patel's 2
11/14/05 - CC 304: Welcome to Patel's
11/14/05 - owed to bltsandwich
11/13/05 - Technical Difficulties; a tribute to Hari_Nez
11/10/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 14
11/10/05 - Spanking Attemtps To Join MENSA 13
11/10/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 12
11/10/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 11
11/10/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 10
11/10/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 9
11/10/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 8
11/10/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA 7
11/10/05 - Jesus told me to improve this comic by user Purno
11/02/05 - ABE VI-YODA; a tribute to HCRoyall
10/28/05 - Ellison Blunderland 4
10/27/05 - Ellison Blunderland 3
10/26/05 - Comic Cup XIII: not a member of the kiss army
10/24/05 - CC 302: where there's smoke there ain't necessarily fire
10/21/05 - CC 301: it's all I've got
10/21/05 - Ellison Blunderland 2: a scream for help
10/21/05 - Ellison Blunderland
10/20/05 - CC 301: Way Down Yonder In New Orleans
10/20/05 - CC: 301 - eureka !
10/20/05 - DIC: read this if you can
10/14/05 - CC 300: birth of a notion
10/14/05 - CC 330: two + two = fucked
10/14/05 - CC 300: THEY MATED?
10/12/05 - CC 300: a priest and a boy walk into a confessional...
10/09/05 - CC 300: the miracle
10/08/05 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA #6
10/05/05 - CC 299: ASS O CIATION
10/05/05 - office supplies = hilarity
10/05/05 - observational humor
10/05/05 - munster
10/05/05 - CC 229: ass backwards robot
10/05/05 - CC 299: IMP PATHETIC
10/05/05 - CC 299: Smarmulus for President or some damn thing
09/21/05 - Manufacturing Content
09/21/05 - Triumph Of The Will
09/21/05 - I know there's an answer
10/03/02 - Pardon the intrustion on TTC3 - Udder Disillusionment
09/18/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 26
09/18/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 25
09/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 24
09/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 23
09/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 22
09/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 21
09/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 20
09/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 18
09/04/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 17
09/04/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 16
09/02/02 - CC141 - Getting To Know Me
08/28/02 - Serial Comic 7.pi - Escape From The Planet Of The NRA
08/27/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 15
08/27/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 14
08/27/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 13
08/25/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 12
08/23/02 - Comic Cup 139 - You Think You Can Love Me?
08/22/02 - By Popular Demand Fuzzy Man IHMSC # 11 Revised
08/22/02 - CC138 - CC138
08/22/02 - PETA
08/21/02 - A Very Special Invitation
08/21/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 11
08/21/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 10
08/20/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 9
08/20/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 8
08/20/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 7
08/19/02 - CC138 - Day Old Newspaper
08/19/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 6
08/19/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 5
08/19/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 4
08/18/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 3
08/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 2
08/17/02 - Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix # 1
08/14/02 - Fuzzyman MailHo - The Return
08/12/02 - City Life
08/08/02 - CC135 entry 2 Another Renal Error?
08/07/02 - The Real Reason LexX Was Cancelled
08/05/02 - The Adventures Of Fuzzyman - E-Mail Project Manager Part 11
08/02/02 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA part 5
08/02/02 - The Adventures Of Fuzzyman - E-Mail Project Manager Part 9
08/02/02 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA part 4
08/02/02 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA part 3
08/01/02 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA part 2
08/01/02 - Spankling Attempts To Join MENSA part 1
08/01/02 - The Adventures Of Fuzzyman - E-Mail Project Manager Part 8
this comic belongs to set
Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix
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