Brotherhood. It has it's downsides...
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| Thats it Sean! I'm sick of your crap. I'm gonna kick your monkey ass! | |
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| Piss off, Smokey! I never gave you permission to talk to me! | |
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| PERMISSION?? You pompous sack of goo! If It wasn't for me, you wouldn't even know where you LIVE, Einstein! | |
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| Oh yeah?! Well, at least I CAN PUT MY OWN SHOES ON, 'Christopher Reeve'! | |
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...Such as entertaining vegans.
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| ...Hey, Tubby! Here's an idea: How about you write a HORROR NOVEL about the day you had a MOON PIE jammed up your ass!? | |
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| ...It's nice to see them getting along again. | |
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