Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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I was also Bogart for a short while.

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by Spankling
The summer before I went to college I "dated" an older woman (30 or so). She was randy and liked doing it in public places.
C'mon Spanks. I know a shady spot where we can get busy.
Cool. Right behind ya.
She taught me a lot and only almost got me arrested once (she charmed the cop out of it.)
The Gap has the best dressing rooms for sex. But the staff is hyper alert, so be quiet.
So I should scream less... got it.
One night she took me to the park, boffed me, then told me it was over. The next night I left for college. I miss her.
It's been fun. See ya.
Can't we play lion and lion tamer one more time? You hold your mouth open, and I'll feed you the meat. No?
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