Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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UBCS is a message board I am an admin at and some of the comic stories are created from events that happen at the MB.
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by Speez
And the moment you been waiting for on this tour of UBCS. The most scariest thing ever! A man who picked Guild Wars over World of Warcraft!
Monster! Does he not know Guild Wars sucks so much it radiates suckyness! Why would he do such a thing!
Cause he is too cheap to pay a monthly fee.
Cheapskate! That 15 bucks buys you video game heaven for a month.
I know. Want to go and raid Upper Blackrock Spire in WoW?
Sure, I need my dreadmist chest. Lets get out of here before the suck sticks to us.
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