Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Mind Trip Money Shots.
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30 Orcs or your money back.
By my mother's beard... Those Orcs killed our donkey. We have to carry those gold sacks ourselves.
Fantastic. I'll start skinning, and then we'll eat that ass.
...what? No! That was a good animal, I'm not going to let you eat it!
Screw that! I hated that thing, and now it's supper. That'll serve it right for stepping on my face while I slept every fucking night.
Not a chance in hell, you hateful little man.
I wonder if Rent-a-Orc will give a frequent customer discount...
SpideyChris's Comics
02/01/05 - Safe sex.
01/14/05 - Morooooooooooooon.
01/12/05 - The Maura sprite does it every time.
01/09/05 - FTC 51: Small world, eh?
01/08/05 - CC 272-D: The end finally stalls somewhere outside Boise.
01/08/05 - CC 272-C: The end gets a flat tire.
01/08/05 - CC 272-B: The end chugs along on low gas.
01/08/05 - CC 272-A: The end continues.
01/06/05 - I've been playing Metal Gear Solid 3 non-stop.
12/29/04 - FTC 50: None of that fancy quilted stuff.
12/25/04 - Toilet humour.
12/25/04 - My sister's coming over later today.
12/25/04 - I don't even know how this "mirc" stuff works.
12/24/04 - Irony goddamn sucks.
12/24/04 - Oh man, that was a good gift.
12/23/04 - True story: I'm a bastard.
12/18/04 - Only porn can swell my head as much.
12/17/04 - FTC 49: Template
12/16/04 - Employment advancement.
12/16/04 - My quality has slipped lately, yes.
12/15/04 - CC 268: Head of the class V
12/15/04 - CC 268: Head of the class IV
12/15/04 - CC269: Head of the class III
12/15/04 - CC269: Head of the class II
12/15/04 - CC269: Head of the class I
12/15/04 - FTC 48: Ho ho how horrible.
12/11/04 - Flick...ah.
12/11/04 - Dawn of the Dinner Date.
12/09/04 - WW32: Such professionalism.
12/09/04 - Newb Contest 3.0: Current Events
12/08/04 - CC 268: That other SC PSA.
12/08/04 - CC 268: SC Public Service Announcement.
12/06/04 - Five dollar ante, genies high VII
12/06/04 - Five dollar ante, genies high VI
12/06/04 - Five dollar ante, genies high V
12/06/04 - Five dollar ante, genies high IV
12/06/04 - Five dollar ante, genies high III
12/06/04 - Five dollar ante, genies high II
12/05/04 - Five dollar ante, genies high.
12/05/04 - Exploiting stripcreator in-jokes I was never around for.
12/05/04 - I swear, that unicorn kicked a guy's head off.
11/29/04 - How I Spent my Night #III (AKA, An Exercise in Creepiness.)
11/29/04 - How I Spent my Night #II
11/29/04 - How I Spent my Night #I
11/26/04 - WW #30: (A true story of) worst things to say to your kids.
11/26/04 - Being short for rent builds character.
11/25/04 - 30 Orcs or your money back.
11/25/04 - And I bought her Cluckin' Bell and everything.
11/23/04 - Basic math is easy.
11/23/04 - Mmm, Marvelicious.
11/22/04 - CC #266: Bullfights make TV better.
11/22/04 - MTMS Theatre: Dating.
11/22/04 - The True North, Proud and Braaaaaaaaains.
11/22/04 - Hardly glamourous.
11/21/04 - Choke 'em if you got 'em.
11/20/04 - Never thought of that, did you?
11/20/04 - An auspicious beginning.
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