Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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From the maker of Dumb Blonde Adventures Is proud to present Freaky Idiots Adventures Zock the bald midget with his mucas,Harry teams up to destroy the evil team leaders known as the Blings!
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by Starshooter
At the Bling's Headquarters
Lincoln, A midget and mucas man is leading a team to stop us!
No one can stop the Blings!
Names in order:Blue Boy, Lincoln, Meaty, Snapple, Father, Kripps.
Or else our leader be very mad!
Me and my rodent freinds will lick dat booger feind!
Whoo....Go Blingies!
We must not haste or Dr.Bling-Bling will have our medullas!
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