Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by SteveOregano
Today is mail bag day. Let's take a look: Tommy Valance of Anytown, Utah writes "Deer Steve Oregno, is London Arbukel reel? Sincerly, Tomi Valanc"
I am the bird.
That's a good question. London Arbuckkle is not real, per se. He's more of an everyman, a Johnny Mainstream if you will. His quirks are our own. My hope is that we can all see ourselves in him.
I can certainly see myself in London Arbuckkle.
The name "London Arbuckkle" comes from a bar I once went to in the Pacific Northwest. It was the name of a drink there, sort of a tangy vodka/Ocean Spray CranRaspberry concoction.
Steve Oregano is a flamingly gay alcoholic. Somebody call social services.
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