In Heaven, three mexicans died at the same Time, St. Peter was curiouse how they died...St. Peter: How did you die?
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| I see my wife in the bed naked, so I look for a man she cheated on me with. I look in the closet, under the bed, and under the covers, he no there. Then I see his fingers holding on the window. | |
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| I go get a Hammer, then smash his hands. He let go, bounce a little, then lands in the street. He no dead, so I push a refridgerator on him. Then he die. I die from heart-attack soon after... | |
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So, how did you die? Mexican #2
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| I was washing windows, when I fall. I grab the window and a man starts smashing my fingers. | |
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| I fall, and land in the street. I pray to you and thank you that I am still alive, then a refridgerator falls on me... | |
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...and how did you die?Mexican #3
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| So, Their I was, in the refridgerator... | |
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