After a two year hiatus Derek and Kathy meet on the streets of New Orleans.
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| Hey Kathy! Long time no......DAMN! You got ugly! | |
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| Oh hey Derek. Nice to see you, I am just doing my rounds here at the French Quarter | |
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Halfway through the convesation Derek tells Kathy about the time he attempted to visit her in New Orleans
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| anyway I was rapping on the door and I heard a strange growling, and as soon as I looked up to see what it was, Mud jumped through an open window and bit Broos on the ankle... | |
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| Oh my god! I am sooooooo sorry, Doug must have left the window open or somthing. | |
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And finally the truth is revealed........unfortunatly without a punchline.
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| Eh, its okay. We broke in and stole all Doug's "Chrono" paraphernalia to ease our mental anguish. | |
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| Whoa! That was you guys? He was mighty was the only time I have ever seen him cry like a pansy girl. | |
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