Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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In the event of an emergency, we will crash into the ground and die. There will be nothing you can do about it. Please enjoy your flight. Sw1tch Airlines: At Least We're Honest.
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by Sw1tchbl8
Hey TC. Don't I normally cameo in YOUR comic?
I felt like paying you a visit.
Well, that's nice of you. It can get lonely here in this lab which looks nothing like any room I've ever been in in real life.
I'm on a caffeine trip, see , and I thought "hey! Sw1tch usually does coffee gags!"
Okay, I'm SICK of being stereotyped. NO MORE COFFEE GAGS, OK?!?!?!
Yeah, Ok, sorry. I'll take over with the coffee gags, then.
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