Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm a film student at the New York Film Academy and I'm doing this to ease tension and so I'm not thinking about movie-making my entire damn life. Also, comics are neat-o.
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by SweetFancyMoses
Jim. look we gotta have a talk...
I'd love to Carl, but I'm late for an invasion.
No wait... Jim, there is no invasion. Look, we're in my apartment, not a spaceship.
And we're not aliens. We're just two guys who share an apartment. I'm sorry for the prank. It was mean.
I'm so conflicted... I mean, I'm glad I don't have to anal-probe other dudes anymore, but geez... I already miss my ray gun. I need a hug.
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