Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm a film student at the New York Film Academy and I'm doing this to ease tension and so I'm not thinking about movie-making my entire damn life. Also, comics are neat-o.
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by SweetFancyMoses
But if we are all doomed to a brief life followed by eternal nothingness, what's the point of, say, balancing a check book or bothering to wash your pits?
Just because we all die someday doesn't mean you should completely stop living. Use the time you've got to really make yourself happy. That, my friend, is what it's about.
Should I be freaked out that you just spoke to me?
Nope, but you might want to get the dosage on your meds upped a notch or two.
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