Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm a film student at the New York Film Academy and I'm doing this to ease tension and so I'm not thinking about movie-making my entire damn life. Also, comics are neat-o.
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by SweetFancyMoses
Uh... where the frig am I?
Welcome to Hell, sucka!!! I'm your own personal Hell Guide. They call me Scary Larry!
Ah... ooookay... Um, Scary Larry, could you tell me why exactly I've been sent to Hell? I don't rember ever doing anything particularly evil.
Well, my lad, it breaks down like this... you sold arms to Iran, creating what's known as the "Iran-Contra Scandal." For that... one way ticket to Hells-ville!
Not again... Look, my name is Oliver North, yes, but I'm not THAT Oliver North. Geez...
Whoops. Look man, Scary Larry says our bad. You want a snack or something before ya return? We got Ho-Hos. Hell Ho-Hos, actually.
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