Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm a film student at the New York Film Academy and I'm doing this to ease tension and so I'm not thinking about movie-making my entire damn life. Also, comics are neat-o.
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by SweetFancyMoses
Two beatniks were out a-walkin', or so the story goes...
Hey Cool Cat, let's find some chicks to dig our crazy hep sound!
Sounds right on, my main man! Let's get real lost!
Then, an odd thing happened...
You know, we're really only fooling ourselves. Beatniks haven't been popular or really even thought of in almost fifty years.
Yeah... we're behind the times, and not in a charming way.
Ladies and Gentleman, the death of a retro style...
Let's get some nice khakis and find jobs at a web-based ad firm!
I'm with you brother. But first, to Starbucks with out stopping!
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