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| I like to rock out to Everclear, did you know that? Yeah, I put on one of their songs and turn it up as high as it can go, relishing in the smooth vibrato backbeat and songs of pain from a broken home | |
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| Then when my parents come in complaining it's shaking the windows, I pop on the MegaBass equalizer,pointing at them and mouthing the words about how they abandoned me and turned me into a ball of hate | |
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dedicated to the memory of Gibbs
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| Then when the song reaches its big crescendo,I scream "YES IT WOULD KILL ME TO WEAR A SHIRT WITH A COLLAR ONCE IN A WHILE" and dash the picture frame of my girlfriend as hard as I can against the wall | |
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| Then you fall on your bed sobbing and snotting all over your Gunsmith Cats until they leave. Wow, that hits a little too close to home. LETS MAKE OUT | |
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