All of the characters featured in these shitty comics are from the PlayStation2 *Social* board at
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| My name is Erik (ChentallyMallenged), and I am the guy next to me's sexual partner. To not be confused with Roy, I am the one that is funny. | |
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| My name is Ryan (coolryan3), and I am a dirty Jew. My dad drives a BMW and everyone in my family has a Jewnose. | |
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| I am Mike (Sol Badguy275) and I think I am Jesus because I write reviews for video games. To not be confused with Roy, I am the one with the good reviews. | |
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| My name is Matt (hfs991hfs), and I am not black. Roy just needs some sweet black filler for his cartoons. Someone should rape me, and that someone should be Ryan, the Jew. | |
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Worship all of them, but worship Royton more.
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| I am Todd (Darth Todd) and I am a game-a-holic. I love to masturbate on chickens too. | |
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| My name is Anagnos, and I am better than everyone, well, except for Royton. He owns us all, which includes you, Erik. | |
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