Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I am the almighty Royton, or THAguyINgta3, from the land of GameFAQs. Worship me. To the people that are actually in my comics: if you are getting made fun of, that doesn't mean I hate you or something. I am just pointing out your many flaws. I love everyone, well, except for Bob. Who is Bob, you ask? The world may never know.
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by THAguyINgta3
Here we are, right in the center of a discussion between the two gang members, Josiah and Fabolous1. Let's listen in!
Man Fab, I want to go to Canada and beat Erik's ass.
Josiah, we just can't go to Canada any time we want. We have to do hits on whitie down where we live, Oregon.
Uh-oh! Looks like trouble for Erik!
Can we go and harass him on GameFAQs?
Only if we can act "gangsta" in the process. They love it. Well, I'll go type it up. Be right back, corn dawg.
Oh my God! Let's see what happens in part 2 of this 2 part epic!
Time to piss off Erik. Let's see if he responds to me.
*Fabolous1 goes to PS2SB and types the following: "yo Erik, dawg, i bet you never capped no rival gangstas in your town of Canada, pizza pie gangsta wanna be! ill go to Canada and cap yo biznitch ass"
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