Here we are, right in the center of a discussion between the two gang members, Josiah and Fabolous1. Let's listen in!
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| Man Fab, I want to go to Canada and beat Erik's ass. | |
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| Josiah, we just can't go to Canada any time we want. We have to do hits on whitie down where we live, Oregon. | |
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Uh-oh! Looks like trouble for Erik!
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| Can we go and harass him on GameFAQs? | |
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| Only if we can act "gangsta" in the process. They love it. Well, I'll go type it up. Be right back, corn dawg. | |
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Oh my God! Let's see what happens in part 2 of this 2 part epic!
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| Time to piss off Erik. Let's see if he responds to me. | |
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| *Fabolous1 goes to PS2SB and types the following: "yo Erik, dawg, i bet you never capped no rival gangstas in your town of Canada, pizza pie gangsta wanna be! ill go to Canada and cap yo biznitch ass" | |
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