Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I am the almighty Royton, or THAguyINgta3, from the land of GameFAQs. Worship me. To the people that are actually in my comics: if you are getting made fun of, that doesn't mean I hate you or something. I am just pointing out your many flaws. I love everyone, well, except for Bob. Who is Bob, you ask? The world may never know.
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by THAguyINgta3
This topic is not meant to be funny. It is just meant to be here so Royton can say what games he is looking forward to or something.
This is me, Roy, just saying that MGS3 will own my pants, erm, kilt off.
Jesus Christ has arrived on the scene!
It had better own!
What... the hell are you doing here, Jesus?
Nice save.
PlayStation2 is better than Xbox...
Thank you for your observation, Captain Obvious! Oh, wait! I mean, Jesus, your opinion owns all.
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