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| And here we go, I think that's Steve? has just jumped onto Coco's back, and Larry has come from the side and struck with the scissors. | |
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| But Coco moved aside, and Claudia has taken that shot STRAIGHT INTO HER LEG!!! Ooh, that's gotta hurt, and look at that, Jim has come from the other side and taken a shot at Coco... | |
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| BUT HE'S HIT STEVE, and now all HELL's breaking loose! I can't believe it! | |
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| I'm sure glad they changed the "weapon noise rule", so that as we can see Claudia has the gaffa tape over her mouth, to keep the noise level down. | |
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| Yes, she would really be screaming now as Coco uses the repeated overhead smash and brings her down on the wounded Steve, causing him to bounce nearly 5 feet in the air! | |
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| OUCH! You have to be wondering about the other two, they appear to be regrouping in the corner to regain their breaths! | |
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