Today, 10M was expecting a test on Richter Scale which Tashel didn’t studied for.
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| Girl! Am I the only one who doesn’t remember what the different nine levels of the Richter scale are? | |
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| See! If you had studied you would have clearly remembered! | |
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Tashel’s friend explained what she had studied.
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| It’s simple, from Stage 0-1 these are quakes we cannot feel these. 2, small quakes people can feel. 3, people near the epicenter can feel this quake. 4,this will cause damage around the epicenter. | |
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With the limited amount of time Tashel tried her hardest to remember what her friend had explained to her.
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| Hurry up! Miss will soon be returning with the test papers | |
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| Stage 5, damages weak buildings in area of the epicenter. 6,can cause great damage around the epicenter. 7,can be detected all over the world. 8, death and major destructions and 9,UNBELIEVABLE DAMAGE | |
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