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| So this one time, I was walking down the branch, and this asshole just kinda pops out and throws a nut at me. Well I was like What The Hell, then I rammed my foot up his ass. | |
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| What a noble patriot...I tip my...mask to you. | |
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| So what's the deal man, are you a homosexual or...something like it? Cause I'm getting this serious vibe and it's making me uncomfortable. | |
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| No I am not a homosexual, I love females. Very Much. | |
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| I don't know...cause you seem sort of gay, I have no problem with it, if you like tight nasty sex that's your thing...I'm not going to judge. | |
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| Well you see, I love females, and if I need to drag this knife through your soft underbelly to prove it...but it's really up to you man. | |
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