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| Mister President, the corporations backed you, and now it's time to give back to them. But I think something a little more subtle than this is in order. This is, simply, preposterous. | |
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| Why not? It's the perfect solution. Make medical records available to the pharmaceuticals so they can market their drugs to a more appropriate social strata. I don't see the problem here, Dick. | |
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| The problem lies not with the pharmaceuticals, but with the public. Medical records are intended to be private records for doctors, not marketing tools for corporations. | |
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| So what am I supposed to do here? I have people to satisfy, promises to keep... I have to keep -some- of my election promises, or they'll think I'm incompetent. | |
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| Too late... The key is to make it seem like you're doing the public a favour, while helping out the corporations that sponsored you. How about weakening the Department of Health and Human Services... | |
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| ... to let medical records be appropriated by the insurance industry without the patient's signature. Perfect! That's one sector, now let's talk military contracts. How's Iraq looking these days...? | |
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