Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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The only thing I've ever wanted was to bring joy and happiness to all...
and lots of money for me.
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AIM: TheBlairZip
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Absurdity rolled up in an Enigma Sandwich
Never before...
I've done it! I've done it! I've created the ultimate Bio-weapon of mass destruction.
Way to go, man. Step inside the Champagne Room here to celebrate.
hum hm hummm hm...hee hee hee
....and never again.
Much better!
Shit! I've tampered in God's domain!
TheBlairZip's Comics
09/07/07 - Life in an Elementary School, Pt. 3
09/07/07 - Life in an Elementary School, Pt. 2
11/10/06 - OPC 23 - Tribute to Kaufman, Pt. 3
11/10/06 - OPC 23 - Tribute to Kaufman, Pt. 2
11/10/06 - OPC 23 - Tribute to Kaufman
11/07/06 - FTC 98 - Always
11/07/06 - FTC 98 - Yes, all of them.
10/30/06 - Life in an Elementary School
10/27/06 - The Return of Zip
06/03/04 - Why I Haven't Made a Comic in 6 Months
12/09/03 - Not Necessarily The News...
12/09/03 - Knockin' Around the Christmas Tree
12/08/03 - Gnip & D: Still Crappy After All These Years
12/04/03 - Random Stripping Makes Zip a Less-Dull Boy
09/03/03 - CCX: Neverending, these Cola Wars are.
08/22/03 - CC 206: Funeral
08/22/03 - CC 206: Christmas
08/22/03 - CC 206: Wedding
08/22/03 - CC 206: Birthday
08/22/03 - CC 206: Newborn
07/30/03 - CC 201: Inside the Actor's Studio
07/30/03 - CC 201: Suffer the Little Children
07/29/03 - CC200: So sayeth Stupid Punchline Elephant!
06/30/03 - The Return, Part 3
06/30/03 - The Return, Part 2
06/30/03 - The Return of the King...'s brother-in-law's third cousin...
01/16/03 - Hussein on the Membrane
01/14/03 - Hume In Nature
11/15/02 - Video Games Rot Your Mind, Part 3
10/31/02 - The Party's Over...
10/31/02 - When Spells Go Bad
10/31/02 - Hell-o-ween Partay 2002
10/30/02 - CC150: The Most Common Misconception About College.
10/28/02 - We're All A Little Looney...
10/28/02 - Video Games Rot Your Mind, Part 2
10/28/02 - Video Games Rot Your Mind
10/28/02 - High School Daze
10/28/02 - Life in the House, Part 11
10/08/02 - Contest? 1...4...6! The intelligent one is still stupid.
10/08/02 - Contest? 1...4...6! Strip of Readingness.
09/27/02 - CC143: A Tribute to sub_m7/clone77/etc., BonJovi-style
09/24/02 - CC143: the tune of "Yesterday", part 2.
09/24/02 - CC143: the tune of "Yesterday", part 1.
09/20/02 - Life in the House, Part 10
08/29/02 - Why Not? Fuck it....
08/23/02 - That's Why They Call Me Mr. Fahrenheit..., Part 2
08/23/02 - CC139: That's Why They Call Me Mr. Fahrenheit...
08/21/02 - The Serial Killer Serials
08/21/02 - A Sorry Excuse For Nothing
07/27/02 - CCIX #15 - Wirthling Fucking Sucks, Indeed!
07/12/02 - Jason X in 1 panel
07/11/02 - The Road to Perdition in 3 panels.
07/11/02 - The Massacre Begins...
07/06/02 - CCIX #10: Life Sucked Then, As Well...
07/05/02 - Motel Sicks: Please leave the lights OFF!
07/03/02 - At The Watercooler...
06/27/02 - Life in the House, Part 9
06/24/02 - Life in the House, Part 8
06/24/02 - Grave Tidings
06/14/02 - CC124: Hoars on First?
06/14/02 - CC124: The Chase Ends...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Chase Sidetracks...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Chase Deflates...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Chase Thickens...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Chase Begins...
06/14/02 - CC124: A Different Kind of Search Begins...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Search for Intelligence...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Search Elsewhere...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Search Lingers...
06/14/02 - CC124: The Search Begins...
06/14/02 - Church of the Poisoned Mind
06/13/02 - You got the Peaches, I got the Machine Gun
06/13/02 - Kill Me Now
06/12/02 - The English Patient
06/12/02 - Really Hate Work...
06/12/02 - I Hate Work
06/07/02 - A Change for the Better?
06/07/02 - Bells Will Be Ringing...
05/31/02 - It's ME!
05/31/02 - The Key To Comedy
05/07/02 - Another Day Without Therapy
04/26/02 - Sins of the Father
04/24/02 - TTCC - An interview with the cowboy
04/12/02 - Does it ever stop?
04/10/02 - TTCC - Boredom is Actually the Mother of Invention...
04/05/02 - TTCC - ...but Obeying, nonetheless...
04/03/02 - A Gay Romp with Cleetus and Wanda Mae
04/02/02 - Dependence Day!
03/28/02 - Juxtaposition Alley: When Artsy Film Directors Attack
03/28/02 - CC110: It Never Fails...
03/27/02 - Blade II in III panels
03/26/02 - CC109: Last Words of a WWF Commentator
03/25/02 - Famous Last Words of a Redneck
03/23/02 - Agony
03/23/02 - Member - Tobor Fan Club
03/23/02 - Highlandin' 2: Electirc Boogaloo!
03/23/02 - Highlander! The Musical
03/23/02 - Highlander! The Musical
03/23/02 - Highlandin' 2: Electric Boogaloo!
03/22/02 - Sniffing what?
03/22/02 - No Rhyme Or Reason
03/22/02 - Take a Hike!
03/15/02 - No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Required
03/14/02 - Arriving UFO
03/13/02 - TheBlairZip Theatrical Company (Ltd.) presents...
03/13/02 - Fart Jokes Are Always Funny!
03/11/02 - CC105 - A Life Remembered
03/08/02 - Boredom Strikes!
03/04/02 - Lounge Muzak in Hell
03/01/02 - CC8.2 - Disorder in the Court!
02/26/02 - Pulp Quasi-Fiction, Part 4
02/26/02 - Pulp Quasi-Fiction, Part 3
02/26/02 - Pulp Quasi-Fiction, Part 2
02/26/02 - Pulp Quasi-Fiction, Part 1
02/26/02 - Celebration of a Pointless Occassion, Part 5
02/26/02 - WHAT THE FLUCK???
02/22/02 - Jason Pickens is a flaming cock-sucking homosexual fag.
02/22/02 - Deep in the Heart of Taxes
02/18/02 - Too bored to be creative
02/18/02 - Moonbase Physics
02/18/02 - Life at the House, Part 7
02/14/02 - Celebration of a Pointless Occassion, Part 4
02/14/02 - Wasting Time
02/14/02 - Another Day in Hell
02/14/02 - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 3 Frames!
02/14/02 - Happy Valentine's Day...Sucker!
02/14/02 - Holiday for One
02/14/02 - On My Present Status As Pink Donkey Wrangler...
02/12/02 - American Pie in 3 panels.
02/11/02 - This comic should not be read by anyone. Don't look.
02/11/02 - CC8 - Crimeny! (made by skagg)
02/08/02 - CC8-R1: Don't Fear The Reaper...The Crim Reaper
02/07/02 - TheBlairZip Sucks Goat Balls Hardcore-style
02/07/02 - A Low Point
02/06/02 - I Think These are Mandatory, or Something...
02/06/02 - Wednesday Afternoon, A Reckoning of Tiredness
02/05/02 - Bongo is the Weakest Link
02/05/02 - At the Bongo...Bongo Cabana: Part 3
02/05/02 - At the Bongo...Bongo Cabana: Part 2
02/05/02 - At the Bongo...Bongo Cabana: Part 1
02/05/02 - The Further Adventures of Bongo, Part 3
02/05/02 - The Further Adventures of Bongo, Part 2
02/05/02 - The Further Adventures of Bongo, Part 1
02/05/02 - When the Bough Breaks, Part 6: The End?
02/05/02 - When the Bough Breaks, Part 5: Will It Ever End?
02/05/02 - When the Bough Breaks, Part 4: (Insert Witty Title Here)
02/05/02 - When the Bough Breaks, Part 3: My Kingdom For A Hose!
02/05/02 - When the Bough Breaks, Part 2: Nowhere to Run
02/05/02 - When the Bough Breaks; or Polly Want Witness Protection
02/05/02 - TheBlairZip Theatrical Company (Ltd.) presents...
02/05/02 - Celebration of a Pointless Occasion, Part 3
02/04/02 - End of Day Blues
02/04/02 - Celebration of a Pointless Occasion, Part 2
02/04/02 - Co-workers: My non-best friends.
02/01/02 - CC97: Secure in your security?
02/01/02 - Gnip & D: The Final Countdown
02/01/02 - Life in the House, Part 6
02/01/02 - Life in the House, Part 5
02/01/02 - Life in the House, Part 4
01/31/02 - Gnip & D: The Closer I Get...
01/31/02 - In Loving Tribute to My Favorite Web Comic - Red Meat.
01/31/02 - A Thoughtful Reflection
01/29/02 - A Slice of Mystikal Proportions
01/28/02 - CC 96: Curse of the Broken Laptop
01/28/02 - Life in the House, Part 3
01/28/02 - Life in the House, Part 2
01/28/02 - Life in the House, Part 1
01/26/02 - When in Atlanta..., Part 4
01/26/02 - Gnip & D: Hardly Clerkin'
01/26/02 - When in Atlanta..., Part 3
01/26/02 - When in Atlanta..., Part 2
01/25/02 - CC95: The Ultimate Lucas Fuck-up!
01/25/02 - If they should bar wars, please let these Star Wars stay.
01/24/02 - When in Atlanta...
01/24/02 - The Pie Strikes Back!
01/24/02 - CC94: Who's Who of The Who?
01/21/02 - Saturday Night's Alright For A Fight, Part 4
01/18/02 - Saturday Night's Alright For A Fight, Part 3
01/18/02 - Saturday Night's Alright For A Fight, Part 2
01/18/02 - Saturday Night's Alright For A Fight, Part 1.
01/17/02 - Hey Moh, Hey Moh...
12/20/01 - Celebration of a Pointless Occasion
12/20/01 - DogonBall Z - The Low Budget Rip-off
12/20/01 - Desperate Times Call...But For Whom?
12/19/01 - Holidays are Here Again, Part 5 - The End
12/19/01 - Holidays are Here Again, Part 4 - The Musical
12/19/01 - Holidays are Here Again, Part 3 - The Denouement
12/18/01 - Holidays are Here Again, Part 2 - The Quickening
12/18/01 - Holidays are Here Again, Part 1 - The Beginning
12/17/01 - Wurden Sie überhaupt?
12/17/01 - Haben Sie überhaupt?
10/27/01 - The Importance of Toilet Humor
10/27/01 - Absurdity rolled up in an Enigma Sandwich
10/27/01 - Death of a Comic
10/27/01 - Anatomy of a Comic Strip
10/27/01 - Statement of the Obvious
10/27/01 - One Night at the Apollo
10/27/01 - Another Pointless Waste of Non-Valuable Resources
10/27/01 - Another Saturday at Work, and I ain't got nobody
10/27/01 - Hella-ween Par-Tay #5
10/27/01 - The Difference between British and American Humor.
10/27/01 - Hella-ween Par-Tay #4
10/27/01 - Hella-ween Par-Tay #3
10/27/01 - Hella-ween Par-tay #2
10/27/01 - Hella-ween Par-Tay!
10/27/01 - Festive Tidings of Penetant Goodness
09/20/01 - 12:05am
08/18/01 - Don't Ask...Don't Svelte
08/18/01 - Don't ask...Don't tell
08/18/01 - Sacrilege-It to Me, Baby!
08/18/01 - Ah, The Fresh Scent of Sacrilege
08/18/01 - That's Amore Than I Cared For
08/18/01 - Titular Frivolity with the Wait Staff...
08/18/01 - Sacrilege Abounds!
08/18/01 - Bad Ad Fad
08/18/01 - When you're at work on Saturday...
08/18/01 - Immoral Dislike
08/18/01 - Girl's Night Out
08/18/01 - Another Slice of Pie
08/18/01 - American Sacrilege Pie
08/18/01 - Day in the Life...
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