Elephants are fluent in over thirty different languages, but still have difficulty understanding your average Scotsman
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| I'm sorry I still did not quite catch that | |
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| Ah say'd yeerh divvinaae louuk lieek yaw peecture ahn Tinder | |
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Elephants can see through time and space, but are forbidden from interfering by the council of telepathic space chimps.
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| Happy Gilmore was ok but If we don't stop Adam Sandler now this truely will become the darkest timeline | |
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| I'm sorry, we've looked into the void of pain too, but it is the will of the council that we should not interfere | |
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Although they are the symbol of the Republican party in the United States, most Elephants could actually be descrbed as Libertarian
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| Free market for the win, yeah! | |
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| So does that include the Ivory trade? | |
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