The_Kingpin's Comics 03/15/19 - Lights! Camera! Action! Well, Almost...
04/19/18 - First Strip in Nine Years And This Is All You Got?
08/07/09 - Commercials: How They SHOULD Have Ended
06/02/08 - Freudian Slip Frank and the Fairy God Mother
03/24/08 - Peace Activists
03/16/08 - Sad, But True
03/16/08 - Reviving The Dead
03/15/08 - Look Before You Eat
12/27/07 - A Man Walks Into A Bar....
12/10/07 - Why I Stopped Updating My Xanga
12/07/07 - Probably Based On A True Story
12/02/07 - Why Family Circus Is Only One Panel: 12/5/1978
12/01/07 - Random Comic Layout #1: This Is Why Red = Danger Forever
11/30/07 - Islam: The Religion of...*Cough*...Peace
11/25/07 - Reasons Why: I Lost Faith In The Human Race
11/19/07 - Ebony and Ivory
11/09/07 - Who's There?
11/06/07 - Road Trippin #2: Too Bad This Won't Happen In Real Life
07/30/07 - Stupid Commercials #3
07/23/07 - Stupid Commercials #2: Saving Mr. Koolaid Man...Jug...Thing
07/21/07 - Stupid Commercials #1
07/15/07 - A Lifeless Object Is Not To Blame
07/15/07 - Road Tripping #1
07/14/07 - Freudian Slip Frank #1: Office Hours
07/13/07 - Possible Complaints From The Three Biggest Religions
07/12/07 - True Tales Of The Internet: Why I Rarely Go In Chatrooms Now
07/12/07 - Reasons Why: The Media Sucks
07/10/07 - The Alien And A Girl Lost In The Wilderness
04/15/07 - Those Silly Freudian Slips
04/14/07 - The Unsolved Mysteries Website: What Bugs Me About It
04/09/07 - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly #3
04/08/07 - Life With The Parents #2: The Joys of Kids Learning To Talk
03/31/07 - Life With The Parents #1: Bite Me
02/11/07 - Still My #1 Most Hated Pet Peeve
11/22/06 - Nude Sunbathing In The 'Hood
11/22/06 - This Is Why I Don't Trust Doctors
11/19/06 - OPC 24: This Counts Right? Either Way, It's Annoying
11/18/06 - The Weef Gang: Marriage
11/16/06 - Altar Service
11/12/06 - Have A Holly Jolly Christmas
09/08/06 - On Yahoo News
08/18/06 - Don'tcha Just Hate When Girls Do This?
08/16/06 - Life After Death: FIN
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Nine
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Eight
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Six
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Six
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Five
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Four
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Three
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part Two
08/16/06 - Life After Death: Part One
08/16/06 - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly #2
08/13/06 - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly #1
08/12/06 - The Burger King
08/11/06 - Never Trust Fast Food
08/09/06 - Why Wearing Red Is A Dangerous In The Future
04/15/06 - Hypocrisy, Gotta Love It #1
02/09/06 - Be Careful When Trick or Treating
09/23/05 - Video Game Memories #1
08/16/05 - Jessica Simpson
07/10/05 - I'm Sure We All Have Met People Like This
06/27/05 - I Bet I Know What I'll Be Up For
06/10/05 - Dirk And Oddball
06/02/05 - Bad Ways To Start A Sermon
06/01/05 - This May Just Be The Most Pointless Comic Ever
04/26/05 - As A Christian, This Is One Thing That Makes Me Mad
04/24/05 - Bad Lassie!
03/20/05 - How I Felt As A Kid: When I Bought This One SNES Game
03/07/05 - Life In Hell #1
01/28/05 - Always Bring Flip-Flops
01/26/05 - Attitudes Of Work Through The Ages
01/26/05 - This Is The Type Of Thing That Makes Me Mad
01/18/05 - It's True What They Say
01/14/05 - Reasons Why: I Hate Society Pt. 2
01/06/05 - Everyone Can Agree On Something
01/02/05 - Super Eye, P.I.
12/29/04 - The Torture Never Ceases
12/28/04 - Interview With A Holiday Icon
12/18/04 - FTC #49: That's Like Something I Would Do!
12/17/04 - Letters To SAM: Stick Advice Man
12/13/04 - Adventures of Super Eye, P.I.
12/10/04 - Lunch Plus Farm Equals Trouble
12/08/04 - An Important Announcement From Me
12/08/04 - Isn't It Great?
12/01/04 - My First Act Of Business After Taking Over The World
11/24/04 - Darn Evolution!
11/12/04 - There's Rioting In The Streets!
11/10/04 - Power Required
11/10/04 - The Hell Clause
11/10/04 - Travelling By Comic Is Always Better
11/04/04 - You Just Don't Always Get What You Want
11/03/04 - A Snowball's Chance
11/03/04 - The Day After
10/19/04 - Life In Hell
10/19/04 - The First Thing Said In Hell After Satan's Failed Takeover
10/18/04 - The Bible In A Nutshell
10/03/04 - The Weef Gang: The RIAA Virus
10/03/04 - Jesus Tries To Run A Computer Program
09/23/04 - Reasons To Hate: Government Officials
09/13/04 - I Wish I Could Blow Money Like Oprah
09/13/04 - Why Orpah Gets On My Nerves
09/08/04 - What's The Worst That Could Happen?
09/07/04 - A Simple "No" Would Do
09/06/04 - Things Not To Say: To Me
09/06/04 - Why My English Comp Class Is Driving Me Crazy
08/25/04 - College Started Out So Excellent
08/25/04 - Zappin' Zed Causes The End Of The World
08/23/04 - Conspiracy Theory
08/23/04 - Things Not To Say: At At Star Trek Convention
08/23/04 - Trendy Diets...Gotta Love'Em
08/20/04 - The Horrors Of Internet Dating
08/20/04 - Magical Powers Do Come In Handy When Needed
08/19/04 - Some People Need To An Update
08/18/04 - Zappin' Zed Plays A Practical Joke
08/17/04 - The President of Christian Exodus Meets Jesus
08/17/04 - Zappin' Zed vs. The American Superhero
08/17/04 - Zappin' Zed Joins The Fight
08/17/04 - Zappin' Zed The Alien
08/17/04 - Things Not To Say: During A Brain Surgery
08/17/04 - FTC #42: Messin' With The Don
08/16/04 - Christian Exodus: I'm Christian and *I* Think This Is Stupid
08/11/04 - Things Not To Say: While Getting Married
08/11/04 - Things Not To Say: In Another Country
08/11/04 - Things Not To Say: At A Fast Food Restaurant
08/11/04 - Things Not To Say: In Prison
08/11/04 - Things Not To Say: To A Biker Gang
08/11/04 - Justin's True and Scary Internet Tales #2
08/10/04 - Justin's True and Scary Internet Tales #1
08/06/04 - Drugs Really Are Bad For You! At Least For This Idiot
08/05/04 - FTC #41: I Knew Girl Scouts Scared Me For A Reason
08/05/04 - Celebrity Tele-fund Raisers
08/02/04 - Chicken Ala King
08/02/04 - Farm Animals Are Unlucky
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (fin)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (8)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (7)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (6)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (5)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (4)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (3)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Invasion (2)
08/01/04 - The Weef Gang: Zombie Outbreak (1)
08/01/04 - I Am Now The Owner Of The Most Boring SC Comic....EVER!
07/30/04 - Video Games Consoles Are Only Ment For Video Games!
07/29/04 - FTC #40: Funniest Comics To Republicans Is In The Bag Baby!
07/29/04 - Johnny Tells What Nickelodeon's Good Points Are
07/28/04 - A Case Of Mistaken Identity
07/26/04 - Return of The King....Pin
06/20/04 - That's Logic For Ya
06/17/04 - The View Inside Britney Spears' Head
06/16/04 - The Chicken Secret of Life
06/16/04 - I Wouldn't Be Suprised If The RIAA Pulled This One
06/15/04 - You Are What You Eat
06/15/04 - College Life
06/15/04 - What Politicians Really Think
06/15/04 - Reasons To Hate Internet Dating
06/13/04 - Dirk and Oddball
06/13/04 - This Is Why Renting Should Come First
06/13/04 - Be Careful With Who Has Your Back
06/09/04 - The National News
06/09/04 - Super Mario Brothers...Faster Than The Others!
06/09/04 - The Weef Gang: A Slow Day Behind The Scenes Of TWG
05/27/04 - Justin's True RIAA Anti-Piracy Hotline Prank Calls 2
05/27/04 - Justin's Prank Phone Calls To The RIAA Anti-Piracy Hotline 1
05/25/04 - FTC #36: Great Balls of Porn!
05/24/04 - Space 2004: The Pointless Oddyssey
05/22/04 - Make No Sudden Moves
05/22/04 - The Devil Went Down To Georgia
05/22/04 - I Couldn't Think Of A Better Comic
05/20/04 - School Does Get Interesting Sometimes
05/19/04 - A True Story Instant Message\Chatroom Story
05/19/04 - Welcome To Hell #2
05/18/04 - Hell Is Not Fun
05/17/04 - FTC #35: The Grass Isn't ALWAYS Greener
05/16/04 - The Weef Gang: The RIAA Loses Again
05/15/04 - Earth: The Almost Alien Invasion
05/13/04 - The Weef Gang: Papa Justin
05/11/04 - Medieval RIAA
05/08/04 - Be Careful When You Confess
05/07/04 - FTC #34: School Sucks
05/05/04 - Don't Buy The Strip Creator Game
05/04/04 - The Weef Gang: Justin Is Missing (Fin)
05/04/04 - The Weef Gang: Justin Is Missing (5)
05/04/04 - The Weef Gang: Justin Is Missing (4)
05/04/04 - The Weef Gang: Justin Is Missing (3)
05/04/04 - The Weef Gang: Justin Is Missing (2)
05/04/04 - The Weef Gang: Justin Is Missing (1)
05/03/04 - Who Could've Dunnit?
05/01/04 - The Squirrel Meets The Big Red Robot
05/01/04 - Characters of SC vs. Justin
05/01/04 - FTC #33: The Wrath of Tobor
04/28/04 - Two Girls In A Bedroom Alone (Don't Look, It's Pointless!)
04/27/04 - FTC #32: Salty Water
04/27/04 - Farmer David And The Alien
04/27/04 - Farmer David
04/25/04 - Why I Think Society Sucks Pt. 1
04/24/04 - How High?
04/23/04 - What God and Satan Might Be Talking About Right Now
04/22/04 - A Priest Calls a Press Conference And.....
04/19/04 - Don't Worry, Makes It Better
04/19/04 - The Weef Gang: Just In Time (FIN)
04/19/04 - The Weef Gang: Just In Time (3)
04/19/04 - The Weef Gang: Just In Time (2)
04/19/04 - The Weef Gang: Just In Time (1)
03/31/04 - Things That Shouldn't Be Said Out Loud
03/31/04 - Worst Person To Be Stuck With: Lost In The Desert
03/30/04 - Justin Reveals The Truth
03/28/04 - A Typical Day In A 24th Century Robot Factory
03/25/04 - Paintball Practice Antics
03/25/04 - Things That Just Don't Sound Right When Caught In The Middle
03/24/04 - On The News #1
03/23/04 - KPCC: Template
03/21/04 - The Weef Gang: On The News
03/20/04 - FTC #28: The Entry
03/18/04 - The Anti-Iraq War Are Something Else
03/12/04 - The Weef Gang: Brandon Has A Good Point
03/06/04 - Carnage and Rampages, That's The News!
01/18/04 - The Weef Gang: The Weef Is Back
01/13/04 - Dirk And Oddball
01/03/04 - FTC #17: The Entry
01/02/04 - Adventures of Dirk and Oddball
01/02/04 - Why I Hate The RIAA
01/01/04 - The Adventures of Dirk and Oddball
01/01/04 - Set Bombs On Kill Mr. Cheney!
12/24/03 - The Ghost of Christmas Present
12/21/03 - Monopolizing The Comic
12/19/03 - A Geeky Duo
10/11/03 - The Bully and The Harry Potter Fanatic
10/10/03 - Our Beloved Talk Shows
10/10/03 - Lost Hormones In Space
10/09/03 - Intelligence Should Be Required For Online Games