Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by The_Mimic
Here's what really happen
Prepare to die you second cusin fucking Confederate! You should act,walk,and talk just like should be fucking your mom and sister like us.You should even be fucking men.
We beleive in the way God want's us to. Not what some Damn perverted Homosexually Incest Yankee want's!
That's the problem with you Fucking Southerner's,You go by that book all the time!
That's why we left the Unoin in the first place.We weren't going to live in your sick world.
Yeah,Well your going to be sorry you left! Soon where going to run the world and God won't have a say in the matter!
Dear God!, World Atheisest rule! Will never go by your way's! NEVER!
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