The_Real_Folk_Blues's Comics 08/28/05 - Death always rings twice.
06/01/05 - Sphygmoman at work.
03/04/05 - Spyghmoman's past pt. 1.
03/04/05 - Spyghmoman's new job.
02/28/05 - Hopefully Spyghmoman will find SOMETHING he's good at.
01/24/05 - This is the best I could do around 5:30 something A.M.
01/22/05 - Hopefully this new storyline will be better........
01/22/05 - Things are changing, but the story continues.
01/22/05 - Well, not quite the end.
01/22/05 - Is the story over?
01/22/05 - Sorry.
01/22/05 - I'm dead!
09/12/04 - A moment of joy turns to confusion.
09/12/04 - One plot finally ends.
09/12/04 - Dirty Bob.
09/12/04 - SOCKY! XD YAY!
09/12/04 - Perhaps 8.3 is an overstatement. More like 3.3.
09/12/04 - I'm back (like it matters.)
08/11/04 - An apology to my 8.3 readers.
08/11/04 - A moment with the jungle pervert.
08/11/04 - The secret of the Teleportato is about to be revealed.
07/29/04 - Getting the Teleportato to speak.
07/29/04 - Our ultimate weapon in the fight against evil cuteness!!!!
07/29/04 - Julia and company prepare for a showdown.
07/29/04 - Sprinkles learns of the news.
07/29/04 - *Insert some clever, witty title here*
07/29/04 - Julia uses the Teleportato to escape, and now.............
07/28/04 - Behold, the mighty Teleportato!!!!
07/28/04 - Julia, the island, and the really pathetic guy.
07/28/04 - X|
07/28/04 - Another moment with Gary.
07/28/04 - I have no creativity now but I probably never had it at all.
07/28/04 - I'm back, as if anyone cares.
08/06/03 - Stoopid 2
08/06/03 - Stoopid.
08/01/03 - Mr. Tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttingle!
07/29/03 - A reunion.
07/29/03 - An introduction.
07/29/03 - An encounter........
07/29/03 - Return to the fifth dimension.
07/29/03 - TLATOR- Dad-3.
07/29/03 - TLATOR- Dad-2.
07/29/03 - TLATOR- Dad.
07/29/03 - TLATOR- Suicide.
07/25/03 - TLATOR- Online chat.
07/25/03 - TLATOR- Hill.
07/25/03 - TLATOR- Knights.
07/25/03 - TLATOR- Prison.
07/25/03 - TLATOR- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drag Queen.
07/25/03 - TLATOR- Kitty.
07/25/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Australia.
07/25/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Sailing.
07/23/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Holiday.
07/23/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Party.
07/23/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Pornography.
07/23/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Girl Scouts.
07/23/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Speech.
07/23/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Job.
07/23/03 - The Life and Times of Robin- Friends.
07/23/03 - Something completely different for a change.
07/22/03 - An explanation.
07/22/03 - TV show.
07/22/03 - More stupidity.
07/22/03 - Danger and stupidity.
07/22/03 - Yet another pointless intermission. Pt.4.
07/22/03 - Yet another pointless intermission. Pt.4.
07/22/03 - Yet another pointless intermisson.Pt.3.
07/22/03 - Yet another pointless intermission. Pt.2.
07/22/03 - Yet another pointless intermission........
07/19/03 - Julia and Alternate Julia face off.
07/19/03 - Julia's fear comes to life.
07/19/03 - Tony contines his drug abuse on the Moon.
07/19/03 - Inside Sprinkles' lair........
07/19/03 - World's most forgetful man Pt.2.
07/19/03 - World's most forgetful man.
07/19/03 - At this point, I'm really bored.
07/19/03 - The opponents prepare.... for........ something.
07/18/03 - More of Sprinkles' henchmen attack.
07/18/03 - Rainbow Man.
07/18/03 - In prison.
07/18/03 - Toby.
07/18/03 - Julia goes back to Earth.
07/18/03 - Sprinkles prepares his armies.
07/18/03 - Now we rejoin Spyghmoman.
07/18/03 - Will the bug return?
07/18/03 - Death threats.
07/18/03 - TV.
07/18/03 - A new villain.
07/18/03 - Is this an intermission, or a new plot........
07/18/03 - :/
07/18/03 - Spyghmoman at his Moon fortress.
07/18/03 - Julia's other form.
07/18/03 - An evil plot is devised. Well, it's not really evil........
07/17/03 - On the Moon.
07/17/03 - Going to the Moon.
07/17/03 - Into space.
07/17/03 - A plan is concocted........
07/16/03 - Twisted.
07/16/03 - Robotroid demon from RAINBOW LAND! WHEEEEEEEE!
07/16/03 - Fun with explosive things.
07/16/03 - Timothy in Hell Pt.5.
07/16/03 - Timothy in Hell Pt.4.
07/16/03 - Timothy in Hell Pt.3.
07/16/03 - Timothy in Hell Pt.2.
07/16/03 - Timothy in Hell Pt.1.
07/16/03 - Wheeeeeeee.
07/16/03 - Bunnies.
07/16/03 - Timothy travels in search of friends........
07/16/03 - Dialogue.
07/14/03 - Another senseless plot........
07/14/03 - A strange new land.
07/14/03 - Drugs.
07/14/03 - Life with Killbot.
07/14/03 - Muffin's new job.
07/14/03 - All will be revealed........
07/14/03 - I'm bored.
07/14/03 - Another intermission.
07/12/03 - Muffin.
07/12/03 - Muffin.
07/12/03 - Killbots can be sensitive, too........
07/12/03 - Super hero.
07/12/03 - Hide and seek 2.
07/12/03 - Cuddles the superhero dolphin's descent into insanity PT.7.
07/12/03 - Now for something of interest to everyone! Well, not really.
07/12/03 - Cuddles the superhero dolphin's descent into insanity PT.6.
07/12/03 - Cuddles the superhero dolphin's descent into insanity PT.5.
07/12/03 - Cuddles the superhero dolphin's descent into insanity PT.4.
07/12/03 - Cuddles the superhero dolphin's descent into insanity PT.3.
07/12/03 - Cuddles the superhero dolphin's descent into insanity PT.2.
07/12/03 - Cuddles the superhero dolphin's descent into insanity PT. 1.
07/12/03 - Comic #44.
07/12/03 - Landmine.
07/12/03 - Great! Another plot twist!
07/12/03 - Is the role playing over for good?
07/10/03 - A character I haven't used yet but will add more of later.
07/10/03 - Timothy and the pirate part 2.
07/10/03 - Magic rainbow happiness! Well, not really.
07/10/03 - And yet another character is brought back.
07/10/03 - This is a really long story.
07/10/03 - Ted.
07/10/03 - Is this the end of Hanzel and Ryoko?
07/10/03 - Another plot twist.
07/10/03 - This is really sad.
07/10/03 - The fight ends.
07/10/03 - The fighting paperclip.
07/10/03 - The fight begins.
07/10/03 - Right before the battle........
07/10/03 - Twinkles transforms?!
07/10/03 - The evil presence from beyond Hell.
07/10/03 - More role playing........
07/09/03 - Role playing.
07/09/03 - Tony.
07/09/03 - Paperclip magic.
07/09/03 - More evil.
07/09/03 - Mmmm. Strawberry.
07/09/03 - Evil.
07/09/03 - O_O
07/08/03 - This is pointless.
07/08/03 - Hide and seek.
07/08/03 - Sad.
07/08/03 - Timothy and the pirate.
07/07/03 - On with the story........
07/07/03 - Floating head.
07/07/03 - More of the story...........
07/07/03 - The fifth dimension.........
07/07/03 - Now we get to the story............. right?
07/06/03 - A moment with Julia, and the plot thickens.
07/06/03 - Intermission.
07/06/03 - What happened?
07/06/03 - The return of Julia
07/06/03 - -_-
07/06/03 - Untitled
07/06/03 - Untitled
07/06/03 - First story.