The little purple donkey is confused and if u look at him with one eye shut and da utha 1 squinting it looks a bit like a COW!! Wwwoowww!!! And as u can c they r both floating up 2 RAINBOW LAND!!
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| im a donkey hello r u a green sheep? i mean a green cow? Or r u from SUNNY RAINBOW LAND? | |
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| No. I am sum1 hu is having an amazingly exciting and fun time and i am happy bcoz i am a happy person. R u a rainbow donkey? | |
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The amazing Amazo Chicken was sitting in chicken land 1 day when........
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| cluk cluk cluk cluk cluck cluck bok bok bok cluk It's rudolph. Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose and if u ever saw him u wud even say it glows! Cluk cluk | |
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| Hello oh might chicken!! Fancy seeing u here!! Did u ever know that u're my heroooooo!!?!! Well did ya??? I know u did know that bcoz u r da amazo chicken dat is called Goat!! Luv u mwah mwah. | |
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Although Spunky, the T-Rex and the goat called Chicken were not sure how they got under the sea they thought it was AMAZING! Also Spunky was thinking of changing his name 2 Sparky.
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| Hello there!! I am Spunky. How do you do? Fancy a cup of tea? | |
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| Gaaaarrrrrrreetings i am a fellow friend of my good friend the Amazo Chicken Called Goat. My name be: Chicken Under the sea is it? How original!! Cup of tea is it? How original!! | |
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